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National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Center for Career Development and Talent Acquisition®
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  • HBCU Students Share Their Internship Selection Process

    • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level career services and university relations and recruiting professionals
    • Competency: Working with diverse populations
    • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember)
      Add to CartOrder by Phone: 610.625.1026

    • Summary

      HBCU students will share valuable insights on their internship experiences. From internship site selection to potentially becoming an employee and all the influential steps between, attendees will learn how these students prepared for their internships and their decisions throughout the process.  For career services and talent engagement professionals interested in expanding their HBCU student internship toolkit, this is a must-attend event.


    Visit the FAQ page or contact NACE Education & Events at, 610.625.1026.

HBCU Students Share Their Internship Selection Process