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National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Center for Career Development and Talent Acquisition®
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  • Strategies & Techniques for Showcasing Career-Ready Competencies in Resumes

    • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level career services and university relations and recruiting professionals
    • Competency: Organizing information, logistics, people, and processes toward desired outcomes
    • Fee: $49 (member); $69 (nonmember)
      Add to CartOrder by Phone: 610.625.1026

    • Summary

      Infusing career-ready competencies into the curriculum is a key to preparing students for the workforce, but how will employers know a candidate has developed these competencies simply by reading the résumé? During this session, presenters will take a deep dive into planning a résumé strategy and knowing what to include, where to put it, how to spin it, and what to leave out. Presenters will highlight case studies as they take you through the steps to assist students in planning their résumé content before ever writing a single word. While this presentation is geared mainly toward the career services audience, employers are welcome to join the session.

      Following this program, you will be able to:

      • Understand why having a résumé strategy is so essential to developing relevant content;
      • Guide students in identifying what employers in their target market are seeking; and
      • Assist students in crafting effective résumé content that illustrates the career-ready competencies they gained through various academic, employment, and life experiences.


    Visit the FAQ page or contact NACE Education & Events at, 610.625.1026.

Strategies & Techniques for Showcasing Career-Ready Competencies in Resumes