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  • Inaugural Virtual Career Fair Season: Lessons Learned from the Employer & College Perspective

    • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level career services, university relations and recruiting, and business affiliate professionals
    • Competency: Organizing information, logistics, people, and processes toward desired outcomes
    • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember)
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    • Summary

      Thank you to our sponsor, Premier Virtual! This event registration is free to all attendees.

      The 2020 virtual career fair season is coming to a close. What has worked? What doesn’t work? While discussing the challenges of virtual career fairs with a college administrator at a recent event, the presenters were inspired to share some of the recent lessons learned, in hopes that by offering both employer and college administrator perspectives, future virtual recruiting seasons might go a little bit smoother for all. This session will provide an opportunity to reflect on lessons learned when it comes to recruiting via virtual platforms for employers, colleges, and students alike.

      Following this program, you will be able to:

      • Participants will understand steps required by and priorities of employer and college stakeholders throughout the full lifecycle of a virtual fair;
      • Participants will weigh the limitations of various virtual platforms against stakeholder priorities; and
      • Participants will apply helpful tips learned by employers and college administrators alike to work around potential shortcomings of a virtual platform.


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    Premier Virtual

Inaugural Virtual Career Fair Season: Lessons Learned from the Employer & College Perspective