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  • International Student Hiring Climbs

    March 15, 2019 | By NACE Staff

    Special Populations
    A group of international students walks on campus.

    TAGS: hiring outlook, international students, trends and predictions, surveys, benchmarks, nace insights

    Spotlight for Career Services Professionals
    Spotlight for Recruiting Professionals

    More than 28 percent of the employers responding to NACE’s Job Outlook 2019 survey indicated plans to hire international students, representing a nearly 5 percent gain from last year.

    In the Job Outlook 2018 report, the percentage of employers that had plans to hire international students (23.4 percent) dropped to its lowest level in the past five years. This year, however, respondents seemed to have a renewed interest in hiring these students. (See Figure 1.)

    By industry, two-thirds of respondents in information planned to hire international students from the Class of 2019. This is a substantial improvement over last year, when just 36.4 percent of information employers had plans to do so. Retail employers also showed stronger interest in these graduates this year; 50 percent had plans to hire international students, which is up from 25 percent last year. (See Figure 2.)

    Data for the Job Outlook 2019 survey were collected from August 1, 2018, through October 8, 2018. A total of 172 surveys were returned—an 18.5 percent response rate. The Job Outlook 2019 report is available free to members through MyNACE. Nonmembers can purchase the report through the NACE Store.

    Figure 1: International Student Hiring Plans

    Recruiting Year % of Respondents That Plan to Hire International Students
    2019 28.3%
    2018 23.4%
    2017 27.5%
    2016 32.8%
    2015 34.2%
    Source: Job Outlook 2019, National Association of Colleges and Employers

    Figure 2: International Student Hiring Plans, by Industry

    Industry % of Respondents That Plan to Hire International Students
    Information 66.7%
    Retail Trade 50.0%
    Construction 40.0%
    Computer & Electronics Mfg. 33.3%
    Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate 33.3%
    Misc. Prof. Services 33.3%
    Misc. Mfg. 21.1%
    Chemical (Pharmaceutical) Mfg. 16.7%
    Engineering Services 16.7%
    Source: Job Outlook 2019, National Association of Colleges and Employers