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National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Center for Career Development and Talent Acquisition®
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  • Racial Justice Day of Action: The Impact of Career Services

    • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level
    • Competency: Fostering global and diverse connections
    • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember)
      Add to CartOrder by Phone: 610.625.1026

    • Summary

      On August 12, 2020, NACE took part in the Racial Justice Day of Action with others in the student affairs community. NACE leadership—including Shawn VanDerziel, NACE executive director, Jennifer Lasater, president of the NACE Board, and Brian Guerrero, vice president - college on the Board— discussed "Racial Justice in Career Services," detailing NACE's support of the Black community and the association's plan and commitments.

      Following this program, you will be able to:

      • Learn about NACE's plan and commitments to supporting the Black community.


    Visit the FAQ page or contact NACE Education & Events at, 610.625.1026.

Racial Justice Day of Action: The Impact of Career Services (Podcast)