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National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Center for Career Development and Talent Acquisition®
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  • NACE Fridays @4 Series - September 11

    • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level
    • Competency: Relationship development and management
    • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember)
      Add to CartOrder by Phone: 610.625.1026

    • Summary

      In times of rapid change and uncertainty, being connected is more important than ever. End your week with a virtual happy hour with NACE and get to know us on a more personal level. This isn’t your regular webinar. It’s a meeting of friends!

      Hosted by Shawn VanDerziel, NACE executive director, the Fridays @4 series will explore lessons learned and inspirational stories during a time of significant change.

      Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy the entertainment, connection, and camaraderie—together.


    Visit the FAQ page or contact NACE Education & Events at, 610.625.1026.

NACE Fridays @4 Series - September 11