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National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Center for Career Development and Talent Acquisition®
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  • Create a Positive Workplace

    • Career Level: Basic-, intermediate-, and advanced-level career services professionals
    • Competency: Program/workshop design and delivery
    • Fee: FREE (member); FREE (nonmember)
      Add to CartOrder by Phone: 610.625.1026

    • Summary

      Research shows that satisfied employees lead to a positive work environment, which will furthermore improve the relations and experiences when students engage with the campus departments. Join Philip Wilkerson and Christie Michals, George Mason University, to address the top factors related to job satisfaction in the workforce and how to incorporate well-being initiatives to improve the productivity of your campus departments.

      Following this program, you will be able to:

      • Develop an understanding of well-being best practices, for both in-person and virtual settings, and the role they play to shift the work culture.
      • Present evidence from well-being specialists about ways to increase workspace productivity and morale; and
      • Identify actionable take-aways and examples to facilitate a positive work environment for your campus department.


    Visit the FAQ page or contact NACE Education & Events at, 610.625.1026.

Podcast: Create a Positive Workplace