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National Association of Colleges and Employers NACE Center for Career Development and Talent Acquisition®
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  • NACE Schedule of Events

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    Upcoming Events:

    • event-icon-webinar-blue How to Improve Paid Internships Through a Participatory Evaluation Process
      Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - Thursday, December 7, 2023

      Jobs for the Future and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board collaborated to implement a participatory evaluation that looked at the value of an internship grant program. This presentation will show how to carry out a participatory evaluation process and examples of how to use the results to inform internship practices.
    • event-icon-webinar-blue The State of the Gen Z Job Search: New Insights To Inform Your Fall Strategy
      Sunday, September 8, 2024

      How are college juniors and seniors finding opportunities and deciding where to start their careers? Join RippleMatch as they unveil the data from their latest survey of thousands of Gen Z candidates to inform your recruitment strategies this fall and beyond.
    • event-icon-webinar-blue How to Land the Dream Job: 10 Tips for Helping Introverts Tackle the Job Search
      Thursday, September 26, 2024

      During this lively panel discussion, you’ll learn 10 tips to expedite introverts’ job searches – for you and/or the students you support.
    • event-icon-webinar-blue NACE Fall 2023 Town Hall
      Wednesday, October 23, 2024

      Join us for an impactful NACE Town Hall webinar where we'll delve into two critical issues that are shaping our professional landscape: the end of Affirmative Action and NACE's Unpaid Internship Statement.
    • event-icon-webinar-blue Professional Connections: Curriculum Mapping Workplace Competencies in Online General Education
      Thursday, October 24, 2024

      Attendees of this webinar will be exposed to best practices in promoting career readiness among both students and faculty by integrating career readiness competencies into a range of subjects, especially in the general education online classroom setting.
    • event-icon-webinar-blue Early Careers Talent Strategy: How Organizations are Fairly and Efficiently Finding the Right Talent
      Sunday, November 3, 2024

      As the job market evolves and the need for a future-proof workforce becomes increasingly important, organizations are turning to early careers talent to power their talent strategy. In this webinar, we will delve into the crucial aspects of investing in graduates and how to maximize their potential and success. We will explore: · How to bring efficiency to your early careers strategy and prioritize time on campus with the right students · How assessing soft skills in the hiring process increases diversity and inclusion · Top graduate strengths and development areas based on recent data analysis Join us to discover why you should hire graduates and best practices on how to identify and develop the skills of recent graduates to ensure a successful strategy.
    • event-icon-webinar-blue Retain Talent and Increase Internal Mobility through Employee Career Development
      Thursday, November 7, 2024

      With high turnover and increased competition for talent in the labor market, differentiating employee perks and benefits are essential for attracting high quality candidates. A dedicated career development program communicates a company’s commitment to internal mobility and investment in its people. This session will walk through the conception, implementation, and success of Gundersen Health System’s (GHS) internal Career Development Center, launched in September 2021.
    • event-icon-webinar-blue Lessons & Strategies for Developing a Short-Term Career Management Course
      Friday, November 8, 2024

      This session is for anyone interested in career management courses. Participants will learn valuable strategies that contribute to students' career development with their diverse identities and needs, incorporate employer and professional engagement, and are mindful of crucial resource allocations. Come join us!

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