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  • NACE Provides Comments on Reauthorization of America COMPETES Act

    In August, NACE Executive Director Marilyn Mackes provided the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation with comments on the Reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act on behalf of the association.

    In part, the comments note that “nothing will be more important to America’s ability to compete economically than a robust technological platform” and urge the federal government to “provide the resources necessary for basic research to take place.” In addition, the comments emphasize NACE’s “strong support for increased funding for research opportunities at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.” Finally, Mackes’ comments note that NACE “would like to stress its support ensuring that the current system of awarding grants remains intact and removed from political interference.”

    The full text of the comments are available here.

    Posted August 2015