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  • Employers Plan to Use More Technology for Recruiting

    November 16, 2016 | By NACE Staff

    Trends & Predictions
    Two recruiters look at a tablet.

    TAGS: recruiting methods, nace insights

    Spotlight for Recruiting Professionals

    When it comes to the changes employers plan to make in their methods of recruiting new college graduates, it’s no surprise that they plan to use more technology. However, the growing focus on technology may affect other traditional recruitment methods.

    According to NACE’s Job Outlook 2017 report, the use of more technology, in general, continues to be the largest change employers will make in their methods of recruiting new college graduates. This year, more than 60 percent of respondents indicated they will use more technology in recruiting, with more than half indicating they will specifically increase their use of social networks. (See Figure 1.)

    In addition, almost one-third will attend fewer career fairs, which may point to the increased use of technology. By comparison, the percentage of 2013 respondents attending fewer career fairs was less than one-quarter.

    Furthermore, while the specific uses of technology were not explored in this report, preliminary findings from NACE’s 2016 Recruiting Benchmarks Survey show that respondents plan to increase their use of video interviewing; this, too, may be a reason that employers plan to attend fewer career fairs.

    Data for the Job Outlook 2017 survey were collected from August 5, 2016, through October 4, 2016. A total of 169 surveys were returned—a 17 percent response rate. The Job Outlook 2017 report is available at or through the MyNACE area at

    Figure 1: Change in recruiting methods by percentage of respondents, 2013-2017

    Change % of 2017
    % of 2016
    % of 2015
    % of 2014
    % of 2013
    Using more technology in general 61.9% 58.1% 60.9% 48.5% 59.6%
    Using more social networks 52.4% 54.2% 64.7% 50.9% 57.3%
    Change in branding 47.6% 37.4% 42.4% 38.2% 34.8%
    Attending fewer career fairs 31.7% 30.3% 23.9% 23.6% 24.7%
    Attending more career fairs 31.7% 34.2% 32.1% 33.3% 39.3%
    Less travel 21.4% 22.6% 20.1% 21.8% 21.3%
    More travel 20.6% 19.4% 19.6% 18.2% 21.9%
    Other 10.3% 6.4% 13.0% 14.5% 18.5%
    Source: Job Outlook 2017, National Association of Colleges and Employers