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  • The Career Strategy Group
    11140 Rockville Pike
    Rockville, MD 20852

    The Career Strategy Group is a boutique outplacement firm in Washington D.C. that partners with companies, nonprofits, and associations to help them nurture their workforce through the inclusion of innovative, flexible, and high-touch outplacement services and ROI-driven talent management and workforce development training solutions. In addition, The Career Strategy Group has supported thousands of job seekers at all levels with the tools, coaching, and personalized service they need to manage their careers and land lucrative, meaningful jobs fearlessly and confidently. Additionally, through our Adjunct Career Services brand, we provide Adjunct Career Coaching, support with Resume and Mock Interview Days, and Custom Career Workshops. We know how important it is for students to succeed. But, sometimes, career centers just don't have enough people on staff to handle the volume. We help career centers with an experienced career team for days, weeks, or months, until the replacement is hired and/or back.

    Contact Information

    Laura M. Labovich